Thursday, October 1, 2020

New Session of Outdoor Parent/Caregiver-Child Class 10/13/20-11/5/20

Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:30-11:30 AM

ages 9m-36m

Fort Tryon Park

Children explore in nature, build motor-skills and language, and socialize within a comfortable distance from caregivers. With the gentle guidance of our experienced teacher, children and caregivers will learn new skills, and caregivers will have time for questions and open discussions with the support of Waldorf-inspired parenting articles.

In a safe and nurturing environment, children play with things from the natural world that allow and encourage the use of imagination. We strive for an 'extended-family’ or community atmosphere as children gradually interact more with their peers or start to engage in the nursery rhymes, finger plays, and simple songs.

Email for more information and registration.